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Sound Files
Images used in my research have here been recorded in sound using a Virtual ANS synthesiser which reads the radiation of visual data as sound. some images have been edited in the negative so that the sound can be explored in greater details. Recordings of the sounds are listed here, next to the image that the synth interpreted and the resulting spectragraph of the sound which can be revealed by hovering on the images.
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth). Yves Klein, Le Vide.
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth). Pierre Huyghe ,Timekeeper
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth). Renzo Martens, White Cube
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth).
Adolf Hitler at Haus der Kunst 1937
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth).
Gene Davis, Micropaintings 1968
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth).
Xenakis’ compositional graph for a string orchestra, 1955-56
Image to Sound (Virtual ANS Synth).
Rauschenberg White Paintings 1951
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