Navigating out of innapropriate tasks while managing professional relationships.
The following is my email correspondence which I sent to explain t situation I had been forced into which asked me to complete a task I was not comfortable completing. I have made adjustments to the e-mail transcript, so that it is appropriate to publish here on this reserach journal.
[Start of trasncript.]
To: SENCO & Assistant Headteacher
Cc: PCM & SM
Wed 22/11/2023 15:57
Good afternoon,
My name is Luke Kandiah, I am a PGCE student teacher working in the Art Department.I am also a form tutor for a class of year 9s, working with [Redacted].
I write to you today, by the recommendation of my Subject mentor [Redacted], whom I came to today to express my personal contentions with a task set for me by [Redacted].
Below I will describe these events fully. I am aware that often I may include too much detail in my written communications as my previous work required, so I will summarise briefly:
I have been asked to write a SEND examination referral against the wishes of the parent.
At the end of morning tutor yesterday on Tuesday the 21st, [Redacted] asked if I would stay after the lesson to discuss a student’s behaviour.
He remarked that one boy in our class has not been diagnosed with any additional needs, but that he ought to be, giving examples of his behaviour that have been disruptive.
He then said that he has previously contacted the parents about this, but that the parents were adamant for both of their children not to be tested.
[Redacted] asked for me to write a referral letter, that voices these concerns: describing the student’s behaviours in the classroom and potential Special needs/ disabilities that this behaviour might reflect.
I asked [Redacted] if he meant that I would send this letter to the SENCO, assuming that this would be the correct course, but I was told that it didn’t concern SENCO and that if I just write the letter, he will copy and paste it and send it to the necessary people. I do not know who he intends to send this email to.
I told him I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing my name next to such a document, and he said he will copy and paste it so it would appear as if he wrote it.
He said that this would tick a lot of boxes for me in terms of my teacher training.
[End of events]
Above I have not named the child. If it is appropriate, I can surely provide this information.
I understand that [Redacted]’s intentions may be to find the best support for the child, but I personally feel uncomfortable to write such a document without the support of the SENCO and if it is against the express wishes of the parents. Additionally, while I have experience working with SEND children, I do not feel qualified to make referrals for undiagnosed children.
Any advice on how to proceed with this situation would be much appreciated. If this is standard procedure here, then I would be happy to write up this letter as requested with your support.
Generally, I have a positive working relationship with [Redacted], and I hope this isn’t forfeited by my contacting you here. But I find myself placed in an uncomfortable position and I feel it’s necessary and professional that I write to you to express these concerns.
In the previous school I worked in I had a very positive relationship with the SENCO and DSL team; as I continue my personal development as a teacher I would love to continue this and I hope I can rely on your professional support and advice.
Kind regards,
Mr Luke Kandiah
Student Teacher, Art & Design.
[End of trasncript.]
Following this e-mail this was dealt with swiftly and quietly.
However, it resulted in the Tutor in question, changing his behaviour towards me. Taking opportunities to berrate me and insulting me within framing of 'advice'.
Phrases such as "You need to be a dickhead." and telling me the lesson went terribly after a lesson where I followed his advice from the lesson before to the T.
This is the only time I have any serious negative feedback, and it is not subtly inferred that he is very upset that I 'went behind his back' and did not complete the referral as he had asked me to.