Bryan Johnston ( Assistant Principal, St. Dominic's Sixth Form College & Principal Examiner for GCE Art and Design for Eduqas (Part of WJEC))
Component One (60%) - Personal Investigation [Coursework]. May Y1 - January Y2
Component Two (40%) - Externally Set Assignment [Exam].February Y2 - May Y2 - 15 Hour practical examination.
The same four assessment objectives apply across both components:
AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and critical understanding
AO2 - Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
AO3 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
AO4 - Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, wehre appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
Mark Scheme for A Level Art & Design
Component One:
Component Two:
'Moderators are essentially art teachers that can judge art fairly without personal connections to the students.'
Stages of Moderation: Begins with a 'Rough Rank Order' with an entire cohort, spread around a room from the best into the worst.
Assess as a teaching team (if you are fortunate to work in a team).
Refer to materials provided by the exam board (bench marks, for example) to support you in this process.
Assess with the assessment criteria (assigning marks) - not grades.
National Standard changes each year.
The Moderation Process:
Following internal assessment, submission of marks to WHEC and the identification of the moderation sample, moderation will take place by a visiting moderator. This normally takes place in June and will include all work identified for moderation at a centre (Both A level components and AS candidate work, where a centre enters for both A level and AS.) All Centres will receive detailed feedback from the moderation.
What do Moderators do?
Assess the sample indendently, in line wiht the national standards.
Provide feedback on where candidates have been successful (report)
Provide feedback on where candidates might have developed their enquiries further (report).
They do not make judgements on course delivery.
They do not award grades.
They do not pass on their wisdom/ experience of their own teaching practice.
Principal Examiners
Assistant Principal Examiners
Team Leaders
During Moderation:
The moderator visits a centre The work is assessed by the moderator in relation to the national standards
The moderator Writes their report for each discipline
After moderation:
Marks and reports are entered by the moderator to a secure site
The TL/ST review reports and approve
Marks are reviewed/ scaling