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Assessment Marking & Feedback

Writer's picture: Luke KandiahLuke Kandiah

(FAM) - Feedback Assessment and Marking

Joti Chopra

Making Marking Matter.


To understand the impornace of FAM

Explore the strategies to support student learning

The link between FAM:

Assesment, Marking and Feedback are linked and can take place within a lesson or at the end of a learning process.

Without one there cannot be the other.

All three work in unison together and will determine not only the outcome of your lesson which will inform your planning but will also highlight the profress your students are making.

How do you know that the students know? Task: You have just taught a lesson. How do you know that the students have fully understood what you have taught them?

  • Get them to talk - Apply the learning to discussion

  • Get them to act - Apply the learning to demonstration and practice

  • Get them to contribute - Apply the learning to group discussions

  • Probing questions - How else can you describe it?

  • Leading questions - Can anyone add anything?

(Account for balances of ability, gauge whether development has occurred through an understanding of their needs and progress.)

These are the questions you need to ask yourself as you're lesson planning.

Contribution model

No hands up policy - Put everyone is on edge. Everyone should know that they need to contribute something during the lesson.

Formative Assessment

  • Occurs during the learning process ___|__

  • Allows teachers and students to pivot their strategies

  • Opportunity for students to give feedback

(Includes: Quizzes, Observations, Homework/classwork, T/Charts, Venn Diagrams)

Summative Assesment:

  • Occurs at the end of learning process _____|

  • Provides a final eavaluation

  • High stakes testing involves ranking

(Includes: State assessments, District benchmarks, End of unit/term assessments, Standards-based assessments.)

Both assess learning

Both are used for feedback

Both are used for future planning

[Model assessed Practice assessed - MAPA

(Before you move onto the practice, ask students to show Red Amber and Green cards.

Different tasks set for different students:

Red task:Guided, Amber tasks: Scaffolded, Green task: Independent

-Using formative assesments to plan teaching]

Use of Whiteboards

Students show each other the artists - Vicarious learning? or absence of individual development?

Show answers all at the same time, give them time for understanding.

How can I organise the class activities to maximise feedback?

Teachers need feedback to gauge learning and development of students. If there is a general lack of understanding then teachers know that more time is required to be invested in that subject.

Studenst will respect teachers a lot more if they have comfort, presence and control within a classroom.

Assessments measure recall.

Amanda's experience at previous school:

(Requires longetivity within a school to impliment)

Starter at beginning of every lesson:

Two questions from last lesson.

Two questions from last week

Two questions from last year

Self assessed contexutalisation of learning.


Marking is a reason that many teachers leave the profession.

We cannot escape marking, but we can work around it to make it easier for ourselves.

  • Acknowledgement marking (tick and flick - why do we do it?

  • Quality Teacher Marking (SIR)*

  • Peer and self-assessed (need to explain purpose and benefits)

  • Verbal feedback (One to one discussions during activities)

  • Common feedback (Mark, Plan, Teach)


What is the purpose of the feedback?

  • Identify areas for the student to improve on. (so that you know, the child knows, the parent knows)

Your marking should:

  • Cause thinking

  • Identify WWW and EBI (What went well... and Even Better If...)

  • Lead to action (Actions on the part of the lessone.g. DIRT)*

  • close the gap

  • Result in progress

  • Aid metacognition

*Directed Improvement and Reflection Time

What methods can we use to reduce our marking load?

  • Drink coffee (Find an environment that maximises your productivity)

  • Make general points, rather than circling individual mistakes (try not to be demotivating, but inspire focus on key areas)

  • Separating students' work into categories of achievement (BSDE)

  • Mark against a set criteria; one focus

  • Set a maximum of two improvements

  • Mark little and often; choose whay you mark carefully

  • One to one chat.

  • Use coded marking

  • Colour code DIRT tasks. When marking stick a coloured dot on your EBI and this refers to the task the student must complete as a part of their DIRT.

  • Using coloured stickers as a code for marking.

Why does feedback matter?

Strong evindece base to suggest that feedback has a positive impact on learning and progress.

OFSTED says teachers should provide incisive feeback inline with school assessment policies

OFSTED have praised where evidence of reflection and improvement are seen and where teachers recognise this.

Promotes student engagement.

improve student self regulation.

Student relationships with the teacher is esssential in promoting effective learning. These relationships are built on rapport from feedback and responsive teaching.

Feedbcak is an ongoing process.

Two models of feedback have been developed by:

Hattie and timperley - The power of feedback:

Black and William. - Medal and Mission feedback:

Both of these models ask important questions about feedback:

  • Where is the learning going?

  • What does success look like?

  • Where is the learning right now?

  • How does the learner get there?

Teachers should adapt to meet the students needs, based on feedback.

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