Jake Tomsett
Revised the terms 'more able' and 'most able', replaced it with Higher Ability People.
HAP+ Significantly above average students.
Pupil Premium
Information on the School website: https://www.maidenerleghschool.co.uk/page/?title=Higher+Ability++and+Gifted+Students&pid=93
HAP - High ability People
MAP - Mid ability People
LAP - Low Ability People
What characteristics do you see in your subject in terms of HAP students?
Can articulate well
Open to new ideas
Takes pride in efficient/clear/organised presentation
Can have low attention in lessons
Come up with innovative solutions
Applies themselves to one or multiple subjects
There's a range of characteristics between HAP students.
The important thing to do as a teacher is to encourage engagement through challenge.
How do we provide for higher ability students?
What examples of good practice have you seen?
Letting students take the lead
Utilising the understanding of HAP to facilitate the learning of LAP
Probing HAP students to Analyse and Develop ideas
What examples of poor practice have you seen?
Using Stretch and challenge to fill time rather than challenge and push students
Often behaviour management, and disengaged students can distract majority of attention.
Teach to the top, scaffold down. Low attainment is bred from scaffolding too low.
Students get more out of lessons that are scaffolded for higher attainment and challenge.
Aim to challenge, not to demonstrate.
Questioning is so important.
Question beyond basic understanding.
"Give me another detail on your answer?"
Five steps to ask probing questions
"Why do you say that?, what journey did you take to get there?"
Five steps to ask process questions:
Always aim for one thing with one class (minimum)