Sara Elliss
What is the mystery of data input?
Purpose of Data
Different people will use data in different ways.
Students will focus on understanding and ability.
"What do I need to do to be better?"
Teachers will focus on how well students are learning
"How much are all of my students on track?"
Parents will focus on how well their student is achieving across all subjects.
"How is my child doing compared to others?"
MES treats each child as an individual, rather than as a whole. This will be different between each school, this includes schools within the trust. Some students' grades are publicised to parents on every test and assessment, on ranking lists with updates for parents to see when their child achieves more or less than usual etc.
Formative Assessment - Assessment for learning - Point in time assessment with feedback.
Summative Assessment - Enables teachers to evaluate the impact of their teaching over a period.*
(*Some schools believe that end of unit tests are summative.)
22 simple assessment strategies that you can use every day:
1. An open-ended question that gets them writing/talking
2. Ask students to reflect
3. Use quizzes
4. Hand signals
5. Think-pair-share
Be wary of any school that advises that feedback is the same for each subject.
Direct Improvement and Reflection Time (DIRT)
Formal - DIRT activities take place after key pieces of work or assessments and require pupils/students to re-do, improve or extend all or part of the work.
It should be next to/linked to original work
It should be visible
It should be substantial
"Knowing how to scaffold up levels of challenge so that students are always going deeper is such an important skill. To prepare learners for their future, we need to also be assessing them on their practical skills."
What data is available to teachers?
Current Attainment - How the student is performing now. Curriciulum related expectation, National Curriculum, examination specification.
Predicted Attainment - In my professional opinion, how the student is likely to perform in a summative assessment. Examination specification assessment objectives, moderated and standardised.
Attitude to Learning - Rather than 'effort' grade as other schools might apply. Be careful about presentation as they can be a mask of effort for low attainment and students can avoid being challenged through their learning through this.
Attendance - What lessons are they missing? what can this tell us about their commitment?
Positive behaviour points - How are they applying themselves to other subjects?
Negative behaviour points - When are they misbehaving? what patterns can you observe?
SEND information - What part of their EHCP plan can help support the child's learning?
Reading age - How do they deal with reading tasks?
What happens to this data?
Progress - A measure of change from a given starting point - KS2 - KS4 or KS4 - KS5
By progress we mean pupils knowing more and remembering more.
Progress 8 - Eight best subjects (including maths and english (req.))
FFT5 - very high - 5th percentile of the country
Parents - it is legal requirement to report back to parents anaully.