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Week: Forty

Writer's picture: Luke KandiahLuke Kandiah

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

This week I had my tutorial with Willem about the feedback from my first draft. I ordered an MP3 player and a rotating platform with a 'swivel' function for the Grad show, I added two new pages to the research Journal and I continued working on my final write up.

First Draft:

I will write up my feedback briefly and my responses to them:

- Make clearer that the chapters discuss haunting ways. - get rid of chapter titles that confuse the reader and replace with ‘responsive haunting’, ‘silent haunting’ etc.

- I have swapped the chapter headings with the subtitles, the chapter headings are now very clearly the haunting field. I decided to leave the previous heading as a sub-chapter heading as the introduction to each chapter discusses these ideas in more detail, this is something that I had expanded upon more since my draft hand in so i am confident that it is still relevant.

- Add annotated bibliography to Research Journal

- I have done this and increased the number of pages on the research journal to 9.

- ‘Justify’ text, align with margins on left and right of the thesis, and pay attention to font.

- I have now formatted the entire document appropriately and with careful thought to purposeful decisions on the aesthetic.

- Perhaps remove the segment on the boundaries of experience as it overcomplicates the research

- While I had been advised that the dialogue of boundaries was unnecessary and over-complicating the argument, I wanted to emphasise its importance t. the research project. The purpose is to succinctly summarise the argument of each chapter in a single word. The argument of the thesis as a whole is that through these haunting experiences of sound, we can uncover the ways that the space affects our experience and conclusion will summarise that it is through these six boundaries, that the spectator is affected by the haunted site.

- I have now added a page to summarise these boundaries, briefly, to my research journal. It is called 'Experiential Boundaries' and can be found on the home page or through the menu. That brings the total of pages on this journal to ten, which is a good feeling and the website feels more complete with this number of facets.

- Write after the contextual review more detail about the methodology.

- I will do this before my hand in, but did not get round to this one, this week.

- Simplify the contents page, maybe add an image to the side of it.

- I do plan on composing suitable aesthetics for the thesis, but this will come at a later point in the project, once i am confident in a fully edited text. Currently i am using the contents page as a resource to organise the structure of the research project.

Rename the CR as The Ideologies of the White Cube or just ‘problematising the white cube’. Or ‘Critiques of the white cube”.

- I have now done this, this feels more succinct and appropriate.

Add the slide of different galleries from around the world as a single slide in the CR.

- I have now done this, this was an interesting point in my midterm review and i am grateful I can include it in my thesis without having to write a reference for each of the images collated in the single image.

Delete the questions in bold, in the contextual review as they are not useful to the project

- I have now done this, although this is something I was asked to include in previous feedback. I suppose it was useful at the time to begin to establish dialogues before i had started to write the majority of the thesis.

Final Write-Up:

I found an incredibly appropriate discussion in doing some further research and I wanted to include it somewhere in my Thesis as it is relevant to conversations with experience, Foucault and Michael Asher's visual airflow works, however i'm not sure where it would go.

So I have decided to use the Research Journal entry this week to unpack it informally, summarising concepts before deciding whether I should include it.

The quote:

'That “experience” is a socially as well as individually meaningful category is a notion advanced by Foucault, who sought in his late work to account for how historically particular modes of human experience come into being. For Foucault, experience is a sum of three areas of discourse: fields of knowledge, sets of rules (types of normativity), and the production of meaning (forms of subjec- tivity). Considered through what he calls “an analysis of ‘practices,’” this experiential matrix connects preexisting institutional conditions with individuated encounters.6 Yet the individuation of experience in this context does not entail singularity or unrepeatability. In Foucault’s schema, experience is bound to be a composite of structural and unique elements, what might be called an intersec- tion of collective and individual factors. The museum visitor’s experience within Asher’s La Jolla installation, for example, might have filtered through structural elements such as the viewer’s knowledge about the institution and understand- ing of the normative viewing conditions at the museum, but the visitor’s conduct within the installation would also have been individuated within these episte- mological and normative limits.' (Peltomäki, 2010)


1. 'Experience' has meaning individually, but also socially. Foucault discusses this paradigm in reference to three areas of discourse, similar to how I have broken the haunting experience into three areas of discourse. For Foucault, the discursive fields of experience are knowledge, normativity and the production of meaning.

- I could talk about this in relation to where I also break up my project into three discursive fields. arguments that use three distinct parts like this are called 'tripartite'(s).

- needs further discussion/ analysis

In reference to 'What is experience? Foucauldian perspectives' by Sanna Trikonnen (2019) available online from: file:///Volumes/SSD/Downloads/10.1515_opphil-2019-0032.pdf

- the three fields discussed are not structures, but 'historical conditions that are constantly changing' and although each may be highlighted and emphasised in turn, none of them should be understood as being independent from the other two.

- The aim of the research project is to explicate haunting experience and how changes in one field may also affect others.

2. In Foucault's schema, experience is a 'composite of structural and unique elements, what might be called an intersection of collective and individual factors'.

- I think what this is really trying to say, has already been said, but adds a qualification of experience composing of multiple discourses.

3. This is where Peltomäki discusses Asher's work 'La Jolla' but really talks about all of Asher's work. writing that it is through 'constraining optical, auditory and sensory modes of stimulation to the audience' that provides 'viewers pathways to self-reflective situations where they can become intensely aware of their own perceptual and cognitive processes in relation to their social setting as well as to themselves.'

- I have also now added a chapter briefly outlining the project's methodology in accordance to the written feedback and discussed the other senses in my chapter headed 'Sounds that Haunt'.

I also re-watched a documentary on Netflix, it was Abstract, the art of design, specifically the episode with Olafur Eliasson talking about his artistic process. I had watched it before but had not made notes, and i am now including some of his artworks in discussions in my thesis.

Particularly i am writing about his works 'room for one colour' and Rainbow assembly (2016).

Career Progression

This week I applied for the National Detective programme. I had never considered joining the police, but i received a text from GradIntel, a service that I believe the Uni pays for. Their graduate scheme is for talented graduates who want to apply their unique perspectives to making the country safer. Again, while i had never considered it, I thought i may as well apply as it is a graduate scheme that may give me a sense of security to have a research-based job after I graduate. However, the two year training for that role will start in March 2023, and so i will still be looking for opportunities for until then, and I will continue to apply for more appropriate opportunities as they come up.

I also applied for a detective role at the London Met through a similar scheme, my hope is that the closer i am to London, the closer i am to the libraries and research institutions i will be applying for in February. The pay is also decent and grants a 3 day weekend to continue working on personal projects.

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