This week I reflected on my practical research and wrote a draft for an abstract
One of the feedback comments from my presentation was about my research question, saying that the mention of sound art as. key component is confusing. Despite my writing in my contextual review debating its validity of using it as a term, it is correct that it is not a focus of the project. Instead I am thinking of changing the research question to:
In what ways can sound installation challenge the white cube aesthetic?
In what ways can the white cube aesthetic be problematised as a haunted site?
In what ways can sound challenge the white cube aesthetic?
In what ways can the critiques of the white cube aesthetic be explored in sound?
In what ways can the affect of the white cube be revealed in sound installations?
There are four main elements of inquiry within my research:
The white cube aesthetic - the object of critique, and standard enivronment for experiencing art
Sound - a new vessel for exploring how the aesthetic's ideologies modulate our experience of art.
Haunting - The method of approach to dealing wit and investigating the critique.
Art experience and curation - this is the subject which I hope to affect with my research.
- sound as qualifying as art is a debate that sparks the investigation. If we can accept that sound installations might be accepted as art, then we can see how the institutional standard of art curation is problematised when sound is installed within it, as it reveals the aspects of art that are influenced by the space.
Practical Research Developments:
I gave myself the period of the easter break to attempt to finally build the speaker.
Despite putting a LOT of work into trying to get the code downloaded onto the microcontroller, even purchasing two other microcontrollers and experimenting with them, I could not get it to work.
I even asked for help from individuals who do coding for a living, and they tried to do it and said I was doing everything they would have tried but it was still not working.
I decided as I would not be able to make the device, and as it has been about a month after the date I had planned to finish it, I would purchase an expensive, apparently ready made one from eBay. It is being shipped in from Japan so it will be here within three to four weeks.
That will be my last attempt to have a speaker that works in this way, though I will still spend my free time trying to get the circuit to function properly as I have bought all the apparent necessary components.
This is my draft for an abstract in preparation for an abstract workshop:
In this research project we explore the critiques to the white cube curation aesthetic in a new way. Specifically through an understanding of galleries as haunted sites and how sound installations can reflect the aesthetics’ ideological implications on art experience.
We investigate the nature of sound and our experience of it, using it as a vessel to identify, chart and understand the different ways that the feeling of being haunted reflects an imbalance or dis-adjustment of the tenets of experience. These imbalances can be made uniquely perceptible in sound and reflects a greater influence on all forms of contemporary art curation. We also experiment with contemporary technologies to emphasise the haunting experience in practice, with a focus on amplifying the sounds that already haunt the gallery space. I hope that through this research we can understand better the ways that the white cube conditions our experience of art and that it helps to define a need to promote a new standard for art curation.
Writing the abstract draft has been really useful to me for two reasons.
1 - it helped me justify and tie all the current research im doing back to the research question in a clear and precise way
2 - it helped outline what the important elements of my research is and this clarity will help me reconstruct my research question.