This week I prepared for my Formative Review and hand in of my IRP1 First draft of 7500 words.
Sound That Haunts:
While researching about using various frequencies of sound I decided it would be helpful to have a graph of reference and so I made one as a page on my research Journal.
I decided to remove the section on sound that haunts from my contextual review as it did not quite fit there and instead incorporate its ideas throughout the contextual review, building up gradually the idea of the gallery space as haunted and then name the first section of my thesis after the contextual review as 'Sound that haunts
The idea of hauntology emerged from an attitude of revolution and change, with its genesis in Spectres of Marx by Derrida. In the book, Derrida often repeats a quote from the Shakespeare play Hamlet, associating a feeling of being haunted with an uncomfortable 'off-kilterness' of time.
It is this attitude of exploring the field of haunting through the dis-adjustment of a pillar of the human condition that influenced my own exploration of these fields. I was also reminded of Rosalind Krauss' Klein groups exploring sculpture in the expanded field.
Therefore in this section I rephrase and refine the three tenets of my contextual review:
time, relationality, space
are redefined as tenets to form an equation of human experience, where:
Time is the dimension in which we relate to our context.
It is by the modulation of these three points that we can discover the ways in which we can feel haunted in a space.
Also, because sound deals with each of these aspects of experience, each area of haunting can be understood through sound experiences.:
The haunting domains in which sound reflects a disjunction of time:
Sound haunts when its effect is unpredictable – Incongruous haunting
Sound haunts when it cannot be heard – Silent haunting
The haunting domains in which sound reflects a disjunction of space:
Sound haunts when its cause is not seen – Acousmatic haunting
Sound haunts when it evolves – Modulated haunting
The haunting domains in which sound reflects a disjunction of experience:
Sound haunts when it is meaningful – Psychogenic haunting
Sound haunts when it is reactionary – Responsive haunting
Sound haunts when its experience is subjective – Clairaudient haunting
Aside from Clairaudient haunting, which I only realised after my presentation in week 22, These are the areas of hauntings that my thesis will explore through sound, associating it back to our experience of art.
Another note on revolution associates haunting with cyclical orbits, occupying the same space through time by a cyclical and revolutionary loop around a celestial body. - I understand that Einstein's theory of relativity also combats the idea of linear time, instead associating gravity with a warping of space and time, im not sure yet how or if this will fit into my thesis, but it may be interesting to explore further.
In a way, the human life is a revolutionary or cyclical design. "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:19
Above is Miroslaw's Dead End, where a white wall gallery is plastered with ash.